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Major Character - Kick Buttowski

Universe: Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil

Debut: Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil - "Dead Man's Drop" (2010)

Clarence Buttowski, or "Kick" as he prefers to be called, is a young boy determined to follow in the footsteps of his many idols (Billy Stumps, Rock Calahan, Boom McCondor, to name a few) and become one of the world's greatest daredevils. However, such a task is not always as easy as Kick imagines it to be.

Through the course of pulling off his stunts, he's been left beaten, bruised, bone-broken, and occasionally in the nude. Nevertheless, his determination has no limit, and is sworn to never give up until he completes what he sets out to do. Kick is the middle child of his family, and has a bossy older brother named Brad and a bratty little sister named Brianna.


Want to know more about Kick Buttowski? Visit the websites below.
