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Universe: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters
Debut: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters - "The Switching Hour" (1994)
Ickis is a small, red-purple monster with big, rabbit-like ears. His method of scaring humans is the ability to grow bigger. However, due to Ickis' large ears, he is often confused with a bunny rabbit. Ickis also tends to be on the nervous side and often has a lack of self-confidence, partly from trying to live up to the legacy of his father, Slickis, who was the academy's most renowned student. Ickis is roommates with Oblina and Krumm, and he is also best friends with them. He goes to the Monster Academy along with many other monsters.
- Ickis is the first character in Chronicles of Illusion to be voiced by James Smith.