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Coi the ice king

Universe: Adventure Time

Early debut: "Adventure Time" (Random! Cartoons short, 2007)

Official debut: Adventure Time - "Slumber Party Panic" (2010)

The ruler of the Ice Kingdom, the Ice King, is a frequent enemy and occasional ally of Finn and Jake who kidnaps princesses throughout Ooo to forcefully marry them, Princess Bubblegum being his usual target. His ice-based magic abilities come from a magical crown he wears, which directly causes his insanity.

Though defined as completely crazy by many, the Ice King is actually lonely and misunderstood, having a generally benevolent relationship with the penguins of his realm (and when he briefly had a wife, actually treated her with great care and love. Whenever he kidnapped princesses, he treated them with care and respect. Their only protest was that they didn't like him and he occasionally could become possessive and slightly creepy). Despite rarely meaning harm, the Ice King is still potentially very dangerous due to his power and his unstable mind. Furthermore, unaware that the two learned of his origins as Simon Petrikov before being driven insane by the crown's influence, he is secretly envious of Finn and Jake for being such good friends.

Want to know more about the Ice King? Visit the website below.