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Universe: Beavis and Butt-Head
Early debut: "Frog Baseball" (1992)
Official debut: Beavis and Butt-Head - "Door to Door" (1993)
Beavis has an underbite and a fixed countenance, which is almost always shown in 3/4 view. Like Butt-Head, Beavis compulsively laughs and grunts. He also has a habit of picking his nose. He is the more excitable of the two; despite his obliviousness to what should be obvious, he is prone to moments of insight. He is more polite and more optimistic than Butt-Head.
He often suffers physically, either at the hands of Butt-Head or various other characters or situations. He usually takes the beating and screams in pain before quickly reverting to his laugh. Beavis smoked and he exhibited an obsession with fire, which he would utter with a maniacal gaze in his eye. He has voices in his head, which told him to engage in destructive activities; however, generally he has a passive demeanor in contrast to Butt-Head's more dominant personality. When Beavis consumes large amounts of caffeine or sugar, he transforms into his hyperactive alter-ego, Cornholio.
Want to know more about Beavis? Visit the website below.